14.從社會空間差異分析建構脆弱性單元:以台灣中部地區強降雨災害為例(科技部專題研究計畫補助,研究計畫主持人 2015.8.1 ~2018.7.31)Constructing the Spatial Units of Vulnerability by the Analysis of Social-spatial Differences:A Case Study of Rainfall Disaster in Central Taiwan. National Science Council, 2015.8.1 to 2018.7.31
15.「擴大中產階級」如何可能?北京市新移民的空間與社會流動之辯證關係(II)(科技部專題研究計畫補助,研究計畫主持人 2015.8.1 ~2016.7.31)‘Expansion of the middle class’, How is this possible? Dialectical relationship between spatial and social mobility of urban new migrants in Beijing. National Science Council, 2014.8.1 to 2015.7.31
16.「擴大中產階級」如何可能?北京市新移民的空間與社會流動之辯證關係(I)(科技部專題研究計畫補助,研究計畫主持人 2014.8.1 ~2015.7.31)‘Expansion of the middle class’, How is this possible? Dialectical relationship between spatial and social mobility of urban new migrants in Beijing. National Science Council, 2014.8.1 to 2015.7.31)
17.全球化下台灣移民多重遷移的空間性分析—以跨越美國與中國之間的台灣人為例(科技部科技人員短期出國訪問研究補助,研究計畫主持人 2013.2~2014.1)The Spatiality of Taiwanese’ Multi-migration under Globalization—the Case Study on Taiwanese mobile between USA and China. National Science Councilm 2013.2.1-2014.1.31.
18.當代中國城市新富階層住房空間性之形構與分化:以上海與北京為例(科技部專題研究計畫補助,研究計畫主持人 2011.8.1 ~2012.7.31)The formation and differentiation of housing spatiality among Shanghai and Beijing’s new rich. National Science Council, 2011.8.1 to 2012.7.31
1. Song Y. L. (2023) Upward social mobility? The capital accumulation of Taiwanese talent in China, Population, Space and Place, (accepted)(SSCI)
7.Song Y. L. (2016) From new comers to middle class—the social and spatial mobility of rural migrants in Beijing and Shanghai, China Review, Vol. 16, No. 3 (October 2016): 121–147 (SSCI)
9.Song, YL. (2014) ‘The imagination of class and housing choices of the middle class--Case studies in Shanghai and Beijing’. Housing Inequality in Urban China. London, England: Routledge. pp.161-180. (Book Chapter)
11.Song, YL., Chiang, L.H., and Li, SM. (2012) The Mobility and Attachment of Displaced Residents under Urban “Redevelopment” Projects in Shanghai, Issues & Studies 48, no.3: 43-73 (SSCI)
12.Li, SM. and Song, YL. (2009) Displacement, Housing Conditions and Residential Satisfaction: An Analysis of Shanghai Residents, Environment and Planning A, volume 41, pages 1090- 1108. (SSCI)
14.Chiang, L. H., Chen, Y. L., Song, YL. (2008) The Meaning of Second Homes to Middle-class Taiwanese Women: A Feminist Perspective, 地理學報,53:1-26,台北:台灣大學地理環境資源學系。(TSSCI)
1.Song, Y.L. (2019) Brain drain from Taiwan to China? — Spatial and social mobility of Taiwanese young talents in China, paper present at 2019 North American Taiwan Studies Association Annual Meeting, May 16-18, 2019, Seattle, USA.
2.Song Y.L. (2018) Constructing the Spatial Units of Vulnerability and Social Resilience by the Analysis of Social-spatial Differences:A Case Study of Rainfall Disaster in Central Taiwan, 2018 Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, April 10-14, 2018, New Orleans.
4.Song Y. L, Lin, P.S and TU J.Y. (2016) Constructing the Spatial Units of Vulnerability by the Analysis of Social-spatial Differences: A Case Study of Rainfall Disaster in Central Taiwan, 37th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing (ACRS) Octobor 17-21, 2016, Colombo Sri Lanka.
5.Song Y. L (2016) The comparison of professionals' spatial and social mobility between new urban migrants and residents in Beijing, paper present at 2016 Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting March 29-April 2, 2016, San Francisco.
6.Song Y. L. and Chan K. W. (2015) From new comers to middle class—the social and spatial mobility of rural migrants in Beijing and Shanghai, paper present at 2015 Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting April 21-25, 2015, Chicago.
8.Song, YL. (2012) The imagination of class and housing choice of the new rich in contemporary urban China: case studies in Beijing and Shanghai , Paper present at 2012Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting February 24-28, 2012, New York.
9.Song, YL. (2011) The formation and differentiation of housing spatiality among Shanghai’s new rich, oral present at 2011 Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting April 12-17, 2011, Seattle.
10.Song, YL. (2010) The cross-strait linkage of sociospatial differentiation under globalization: The second house of Taiwanese migrants in Shanghai, oral present at 2010 Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting April 13-18, 2010, Washington DC.
11.Song, YL. (2009) The spatiality of ‘the second house’: A study of Shanghai, Paper present at 2009 Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting March 22-27, 2009, Las Vegas.
12.Song, YL. (2008) Geographical Imagination of second home: the case study in Shanghai, Paper present at 2008 Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting April 15-19, 2008, Boston.
13.Li, SM. and Song, YL. (2007) Displacement, Housing Conditions and Residential Satisfaction: An Analysis of Shanghai Residents, Paper presented at International Conference on China’s Urban Land and Housing in the 21th Century, December 13-15, 2007, Hong Kong.
15.Song, YL. ,Chiang, N. and Li, S. M. (2007)The mobility and attachment of displaced residents under the urban “redevelopment” projects in Shanghai, Paper presented at 2007 Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, April 17-21, 2007, San Francisco.
16.Chiang, L. H., Chen, Y. L., Song, YL. (2007) The Meaning of Second Homes to Taiwanese Women: A Feminist Perspective, Paper presented at Task Force on Globalization and Human Dynamics , 21st Pacific Science Congress, June 13-17, 2007, Okinawa, Japan.
17.Song, YL. (2006) A typology of sense of place of displaced residents under the urban redevelopment projects in Shanghai, Paper presented at The Fourth Meeting of East Asian Regional Conferences in Alternative Geography June 24-27, 2006, Taipei.
18.Song, YL.(2006)The relocation process of displaced residents under the urban redevelopment projects in Shanghai: an approach of critical humanistic geography’, Paper presented at Changing Geography in a Diversified World: In Commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of Hong Kong Baptist University June 1-3, 2006, Hong Kong.
20.Song, YL. (2006) The Production of the sense of place: The relocation process of displaced residents under the urban redevelopment projects in Shanghai’, Paper presented at 2006 Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting March 7-11, 2006, Chicago.
2.Peet, R.(2005) Modern Geographical Thought,王志弘,張華蓀,宋郁玲,陳毅峰合譯(1998),現代地理思想,台北:群學出版有限公司(第二與第六章) 。