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宋承恩, 王韻皓, 林國聖, 王培蓉, 詹進發, 陳毅青, & 王素芬. (2022). 運用空載高光譜及光達資料建立森林覆蓋分類判釋模型. 臺灣林業科學, 37(2), 121-143.(EI)

Chang, C. T., Song, C. E., Lee, L. C., Chan, S. C., Liao, C. S., Liou, Y. S., Chiang, J. M., Wang, S. F., and Huang, J.C. (2021). Influence of landscape mosaic structure on nitrate and phosphate discharges: An island-wide assessment in subtropical mountainous Taiwan. Landscape and Urban Planning, 207, 104017. (SCI)

Huang, J. Y., Wang, S. F., & Lu, M. L. (2020). Assessment of the Effects of Climate Change on the Invasiveness of Invasive Alien Plant in Taiwan. 台灣生物多樣性研究, 22(4), 267-291.

Tseng, C. W., Song, C. E., Wang, S. F., Chen, Y. C., Tu, J. Y., Yang, C. J., & Chuang, C. W. (2020). Application of High-Resolution Radar Rain Data to the Predictive Analysis of Landslide Susceptibility under Climate Change in the Laonong Watershed, Taiwan. Remote Sensing, 12(23), 3855. (SCI)

王素芬, 陳毅青, & 宋承恩. (2020). 整合多尺度自然與行政單元評估南投縣崩塌災害風險. 地理學報, (96), 27-54. (TSSCI)

Chen, Y. C., Chang, K. T., Wang, S. F., Huang, J. C., Yu, C. K., Tu, J. Y., ... & Liu, C. C. (2019). Controls of preferential orientation of earthquake‐and rainfall‐triggered landslides in Taiwan's orogenic mountain belt. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 44(9), 1661-1674. (SCI)

黃靜宜, 呂明倫, & 王素芬. (2017). 氣候變遷情境下臺灣四種單食性蝴蝶之時空分布模擬. 林業研究季刊, 39(4), 271-284.

王素芬, 余佳樺, & 劉雅婷. (2014). 衛星影像前處理對植生變遷偵測影響之探討. 地理學報, (75), 81-99. (TSSCI)

Chang, C. T., Wang, S. F., Vadeboncoeur, M. A., & Lin, T. C. (2014). Relating vegetation dynamics to temperature and precipitation at monthly and annual timescales in Taiwan using MODIS vegetation indices. International journal of remote sensing, 35(2), 598-620. (SCI)

Wang, H. C., Wang, S. F., Lin, K. C., Lee Shaner, P. J., & Lin, T. C. (2013). Litterfall and element fluxes in a natural hardwood forest and a Chinese‐fir plantation experiencing frequent typhoon disturbance in central Taiwan. Biotropica, 45(5), 541-548. (SCI)

王素芬, & 屈慧麗. (2013). 應用遙測技術與地理資訊系統輔助考古遺址探坑抽樣試掘之研究── 以台中市國家歌劇院為例. 國立彰化師範大學文學院學報, (8), 1-16.

王素芬, & 殷秀菁. (2012). 無痕山林之環境識覺與遊客行為研究-以不同類型步道遊客為例. 觀光旅遊研究學刊, 7(1), 61-77.

王素芬, 林婉婷, 張仲德, & 林登秋. (2012). 蓮華池試驗林梅雨降雨型態變遷與植生變動之分析. 地理學報, (66), 67-86. (TSSCI)

張仲德, 王素芬, & 林登秋. (2011). 氣候變遷與不同尺度植被物候研究之回顧. 地理學報, (63), 1-33. (TSSCI)

Chang, C. T., Lin, T. C., Wang, S. F., & Vadeboncoeur, M. A. (2011). Assessing growing season beginning and end dates and their relation to climate in Taiwan using satellite data. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 32(18), 5035-5058. (SCI)

Kuo, Y. C., Yu, C. L., Liu, C. Y., Wang, S. F., Pan, P. C., Wu, M. T., ... & Christiani, D. C. (2009). A population-based, case–control study of green tea consumption and leukemia risk in southwestern Taiwan. Cancer Causes & Control, 20(1), 57-65. (SCI)

鄭祈全, 王素芬, & 李孟芬. (2009). 應用航測技術和多變值統計方法建立地景干擾指標之研究. 國立臺灣大學生物資源暨農學院實驗林研究報告, 23(1), 25-35.

Mazumdar, M., Liu, C. Y., Wang, S. F., Pan, P. C., Wu, M. T., Christiani, D. C., & Kaohsiung Brain Tumor Research Group. (2008). No association between parental or subject occupation and brain tumor risk. Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention Biomarkers, 17(7), 1835-1837. (SCI)

Yu, C. L., Wang, S. F., Pan, P. C., Wu, M. T., Ho, C. K., Smith, T. J., ... & Christiani, D. C. (2006). Residential exposure to petrochemicals and the risk of leukemia: using geographic information system tools to estimate individual-level residential exposure. American journal of epidemiology, 164(3), 200-207. (SCI, commentary invited)

Yu, C. L., Wang, S. F., Pan, P. C., Wu, M. T., Ho, C. K., Smith, T. J., ... & Kaohsiung Brain Tumor Research Group. (2005). No association between residential exposure to petrochemicals and brain tumor risk. Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention Biomarkers, 14(12), 3007-3009.(SCI)

Cheng, C. C., Chen, Y. K., Jan, J. F., & Wang, S. F. (2005). DTM, GIS, and DSS application in forestland ecosystem classification and suitability analysis. Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 10(4), 351-360.

鄭祈全, 吳治達, & 王素芬. (2005). 應用 Markov 和 Logit 模式監測地景變遷之研究. 臺灣林業科學, 20(1), 29-36.(EI)

王素芬, 鄭祈全, 陳永寬, & 張哲彰. (2004). 數學規劃於林地分級決策支援系統之應用. 國立臺灣大學生物資源暨農學院實驗林研究報告, 18(2), 77-84.

王素芬, 陳永寬, & 鄭祈全. (2004). 森林生態系經營決策支援系統之建立與應用. 航測及遙測學刊, 9(1), 41-52.

鄭祈全, 陳永寬, & 王素芬. (2001). 多尺度林地分級決策支援系統之研究. 航測及遙測學刊, 6(2), 41-56.

鄭祈全, 王素芬, & 陳永寬. (2001). 林地分級決策支援系統之研究. 臺灣林業科學, 16(4), 267-274.(EI)

王素芬, 陳永寬, & 鄭祈全. (1999). 地理資訊系統和碎形維度於森林地景空間變化上之應用. 航測及遙測學刊, 4(2), 33-53.





Song C.E., Wang S.F., Chen Y. C.2019.The Topographic Impact of Typhoon Disturbances on Vegetation Damage..40th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing.(10/14~18,Deajeon, Korea)

Song C.E., Chen Y. C., Wang S.F.2019.Improving Remote Sensing Based Assessment of the Net Primary Productivity Loss In Landslides Through Topographic Correction. The International Symposium on Remote Sensing.(4/17~19,Taipei, Taiwan)

Song C.E., Chen Y. C., Wang S.F. 2018. Application of Multi-Scale Spatial Units on Assessing Landslide Disaster Risk. The International Symposium on Remote Sensing(5/9~11, Pyeongchang, Korea)

Chen Y.C., Wang S.F., Chiang C.J., Lin C.J. 2018. Monitoring Topographic Changes of Gully Networks on A Mudstone Badland Terrace Using UAV and Close-Range Photogrammetry. The International Symposium on Remote Sensing(5/9~11, Pyeongchang, Korea)

Cheng C. C., Wang S.F., Hung J.W. 2017. Assessing the Effect Between Green Space and Net Primary Productivity of Urban Forms Using Remote Sensing and Structural Equation Modeling. 38th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing ( 10/23~27, New Delhi, India)

Wang S.F., Chen Y. C., Song C.E. 2017.The Resistance of Land Use to the Landslide under Different Rainfall Intensity. The International Symposium on Remote Sensing.(5/17~5/19,Nagoya, Japan)

Wang S.F., Chen Y. C., Song C.E. 2016. Vulnerability Evaluation by Using Rainfall-Triggered Landslide Susceptibility Model with Slope Unit. 37th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing.(10/17~21, Colombo, Sri Lanka)

Wang S.F. 2016. Topographic Effects on Estimating Net Primary Productivity Using Remote Sensing. The International Symposium on Remote Sensing. (4/20~4/22, Jeju, Korea)

Chiu T.P. and Wang S.F. 2015, Influence of DEM Resolution on Topographic Correction Models Using SPOT Satellite Image. 36th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing. (10/19~10/23,Manila,Philippines)

Chiu T.P. and Wang S.F. 2015, Using Different Topographic Correction Models to evaluate effectiveness in Lienhuachih Research Center. The International Symposium on Remote Sensing. (22~24 April2015, Tainan, Taiwan)

Yang P.C. and Wang S.F.,2014, Location Suitability Analysis of Environmental Education Facilities. 35th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing. (10/27~10/31,Naypyidaw, Myanmar)

Wang S.F. and Lee M.F., 2014, The Correlation of Vegetation Index Derived from Different Satellite Images. The International Symposium on Remote Sensing. (16~18 April2014, Busan, Korea)

Lee M.F., Wang S.F. ,2013, Integrating Satellite Images and Animal Survey Data to Assess the Effect of Habitat Fragmentation by Road Building of the Leopard Cat in Central Taiwan. The International Symposium on Remote Sensing. (15~17 May 2013, Chiba, Japan)

Cheng C.C. and Wang S.F., 2013, Estimation of Forest Carbon Stock Using the Remote Sensing Technique. 34th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing. (Bali, Indonesia, CD ISBN: 978-602-9439-33-5)

Wang S.F., Lee M.F., 2012, A Study of the Drought Impact on Vegetation and Its Spatial Variation in Taiwan. 33th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing. (Pattaya, Thailand)

Wang S.F.,Liu Y.T.,2011,Investigation the Low Temperature Effect on Vegetation Cover During Early Spring at Lien-Hua-Chi Experiment Forest in Taiwan.32th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing.(Taipei)




Lee M.F.,Wang S.F.,T.C.Lin,2010,The Effect of Spatial Resolution on Landslide Mapping-A Case Study in Chi-Shan River Basin,Taiwan.,31th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing.(Hanoi,Vietnam)


林婉婷、王素芬2009,降雨強度變遷對植生覆蓋變動的影響-以蓮華池試驗林區為例,2009 臺灣災害管理研討會。

張仲德、林登秋、王素芬,台灣地區跨海拔生長季物候之分析,2009 年生態研究聯合研討會

張仲德、林登秋、王素芬2009,利用遙測影像分析台灣地區生長季物候現象與氣候因子間的關係,金門國家公園2009 年兩岸閩南生態保育研討會。

Wang S.F. , W.T. Lin, 2009, Application of NDVI on Establishing the Relationship between Precipitation Change and Vegetation Variation in Central Taiwan, 30th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing.




張仲德、林登秋、王素芬、詹進發,以 MODIS 影像分析台灣地面物候生長季開始及結束之時間,第五屆生命科學與技術論壇,2008.




Cheng C. C., Y.K. Chen, S.F.Wang, C.D. Wu,A Study on the Evapotranspiration of Old-growth Cypress Using Remote Sensing Techniques,28th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing,馬來西亞吉隆坡,2007.

Chiang M.H., S.F. Wang,Application of Geographical Information System and Remote Sensing on Slide Land Recognition at Lien-hua Chi Experimental Forest,28th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing,馬來西亞吉隆坡,2007.

Wang S. F., C.C. Cheng., Y. K. Chen, 2006, Forest cover-type classification using SPOT4 and SPOT5 images, 27st Asian Conference on Remote Sensing.

Wang S. F., C.C. Cheng., Y. K. Chen, 2006, Development and Application of Forestland Classification Decision Support System. 日本(The Remote Sensing Society of Japan),第40 回學術講演會論文集,p.47-48.

張仲德、林登秋、王素芬,2005,NDVI 與LAI 的關聯及在生態系動態上的研究,台灣長期生態研究網2005年年會。

C.C. Cheng, L.T. Hsu, J.F. Jan, S.F. Wang, 2004, Development of a Disturbance Index for Monitoring Forest Landscape Change, 25th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing & 1st Asian Space Conference, p:1354-1359.

C. Cheng, Y. K. Chen, S.F. Wang, J.F. Jan. , 2004, Forestland classification using an ecosystem approach. XXth international congress for photogrammetry and remote sensing, Istanbul .

王素芬,鄭祈全,陳永寬 數學規劃於決策支援系統之應用,第七屆台灣地理學術研討會 (e時代的地理學-地理與資訊科技的交會)論文集,頁162-168,2003。

Wang S. F., Y. K. Chen, C.C. Cheng. 2000. Application of Ecosystem Management Decision Support System in Selecting Suitable Site for Taiwania. 21st Asian Conference on Remote Sensing 246-251

王素芬,鄭祈全,陳永寬, 1998,修正碎形維度於森林地景多樣性量化之應用,第二屆兩岸測繪學術研討會暨第十七屆測量學術及應用研討會論文集(二),P626 -635。

王素芬,陳永寬,鄭祈全, 1997,向量式演算法於地景碎形維度修正指標之應用,中華地理資訊學會第三屆學術研討會論文集,P458~464。