


國立中興大學水土保持學系 博士後研究員(2020/01~2024/7/31)

UNESCO IHE/ Water Science & Engineering Department訪問研究員(2016/11至2017/12)





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錄取科技部「補助博士生赴國外研究」 (2017年)公費補助

種瓜坑溪調整構造物營造溪流韌性環境之評估(農業部農村發展及水土保持署南投分署, 計畫主持人202403~202506)

建立台灣適用之集流時間估算方式 (農業部農村發展及水土保持署, 共同主持人202301~202312)

氣候變遷下新化林場改善措施提昇虎頭埤集水區之生態系服務 (農委會水土保持局, 主要計畫執行202109~202206)

土石流及堰塞湖防災技術分析評估(農委會水土保持局, 工作項目執行202009~202106)

土砂災害防治技術應用分析與研討交流活動(農委會水土保持局, 工作項目執行201909~200206)

Building with Nature: Definition (European Regional Development Fund,工作項目執行201601~201712)

Building with Nature‘Upscaling’: Practice, Policy and Capacity Building. Insights from the Partners’ experience (European Regional Development Fund,工作協助201601~201712)

淡水河流域因應颱洪時期過後土砂淤泥處置規劃之研究(新北市政府, 工作項目執行201609~201707)

流域泥砂資源管理課題研究-流域泥砂資源管理研究(II, III)(科技部, 計畫統籌201501~201612)


深槽流量增加對河床沖刷與河道變遷之影響(I, II)(經濟部水利署水利規劃試驗所,主要計畫執行 201103~201212)

Yen-Yu Chiu, Jia-Yen Wu, Hung-En Chen, Ching-Ying Tsou, Su-Chin Chen*,The Interaction between Driftwood Deposition Pattern and Debris Flow Fan Development. Landslides (SCI) ,20, 2291–2302,07/2023

Su-Chin Chen, Jui-Tien Tsai, Yi-Chin Chen, Fu-Hsuan Tsai, Chia-Yin Liang, Yen-Yu Chiu*,Stream power curve–loop–spiral theory and an application to rivers of Taiwan,Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies(SCI) ,48, 101472,08/2023

Yen-Yu Chiu, Yi-Hung Wu, Kuei-Lin Fu, Tsung-Cheng Lai, Hung-En Chen. Su-Chin Chen *,Nature-based Solutions for Disaster Reduction and Improving Ecosystem Services in the Hutobi Watershed, Taiwan,Water(SCI) ,15(14), 2527,07/2023

Y. J. Liu, Y. Y. Chiu, F. T. C. Tsai, S. C. Chen*, Analysis of landslide occurrence time via rainfall intensity and soil water index ternary diagram, Landslides(SCI), 19(12), 2823-2837, 08/2022

Yen-Yu Chiu, Nidhi Raina, Hung-En Chen,Evolution of flood defense strategies: Toward nature-based solutions, Environments(SCOPUS) , 9(1), 2,12/2021

Yu-Fang Chiu, Samkele S. Tfwala, Yung-Ching Hsu, Yen-Yu Chiu, Chen-Yang Lee, Su-Chin Chen*, Upstream morphological effects of a sequential check dam removal process, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (SCI) , 46(13), 2527-2539,08/2022

Yen-Yu Chiu, H. Omura, Hung-En Chen, Su-Chin Chen*,Indicators for post-disaster search and rescue efficiency developed using progressive death tolls, Sustainability(SCI, SSCI) , 12(19), 8262,10/2020

Hung-En Chen*, Yen-Yu Chiu, T.L. Tsai, J.C. Yang,Effect of Rainfall, Runoff and Infiltration Processes on the Stability of Footslopes.Water(SCI), 12, 1229,4/2020

Yen-Yu Chiu, Hung-En Chen, Keh-Chia Yeh, Investigation of the influence of rainfall runoff on shallow landslides in unsaturated soil using a mathematical model, Water(SCI), 11(6), 1178,6/2019

陳樹群*、張豐年、邱彥瑜、鄭皓元,,拆除石岡壩及替代水源方案以回復大甲溪河相自然演變, 中華水土保持學報(SCOPUS) , 53(1), 1-12 , 03/2022

邱彥瑜、吳宜嶺、楊昇學、鍾仁凱、謝東洲、葉克家,含砂濃度差異對河流地貌變化之影響, 臺灣水利(EI) , 65,4,12/2017

Ya-lin Zheng, Hung-En Chen, Yen-Yu Chiu, Ming-Hsien Tseng and Su-Chin Chen, The Trapping Abilities of Slit Dam against Debris Flow, Interpraevent. 2023, Taiching, 04/2023

Yen-Yu Chiu, Nidhi Raina, Grazia Di Giovanni, Richard Ashley and Chris Zevenbergen,The Evolution of Nature-based Solutions: Green Infrastructure, Low Impact Development, Ecological Engineering and Building with Nature, The Seventh International Conference on Flood Management, Leeds, 09/2017

Yen-Yu Chiu, Lorenzo Chelleri, Sebastian Van Heerk and Chris Zevenbergen, The resilience of nature-based solutions: insights from literature and European case studies , The Seventh International Conference on Flood Management, Leeds, Grazia Di Giovanni, 09/2017

Yen-Yu Chiu, Keh-Chia Yeh,Analysis of the sediment hydrography by modeling hyper-concentrated flow and sediment transport, Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on River Sedimentation, Stuttgart, 11/2016

邱彥瑜, 集水區水砂評估模式研發與應用, 國立交通大學(博士論文), 新竹, 2019/06